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Randy Becker

I remember the day after the end of Carnevale in 2001, the nebbia descended on a soft layer of snow with an aqua alta. The vaporetti were all but dead in the water. I had gone to the Billa at San Basilio and the trip home involved three boats which wandered about, long layovers at boat stops, a substitute bus, and a long walk home from Ferrovia in slushy, highwater-washed walkways.

But, my travail was nothing compared to all the tourists who, after Carnevale, tried to get to the airport and fly home.

And I might add that on that day I learned a great Venetian lesson - when the boats don't run and the water is high, just sip the wine until the water goes down. I try to remember that whenever life doesn't go the way I plan.

Robert Thompson

I remember, 3 or 4 years ago, getting the Alilaguna motoscafi from the Airport to San Marco one night. It was so foggy that the water taxis were no longer running, and in the darkness the pilot was navigating purely by radar. Which he obviously felt was best done with his sunglasses on! Only in Italy.


If someone has some photos of CRISTINA II,the tourist boat crashed, please contact me!!!!!i've worked on that boat years ago when cristina II was in Rimini!!!! i pray you!!!!!!if someone has a documents or photos of the cristina, in venice please contact me!!!!!! [email protected]

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