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I can attest to the friendliness of the Armenian Island as I made a pilgrimage to place where Lord Byron learned the language. The fathers in charge of the island are few, but make you feel at home throughout the tour. I look forward to getting back to explore some of the other places. The further away from the Piazza, the better!

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I like this text: "The ossario is about 45 minutes or so from Torcello, through twisty-turny, unmarked channels..." thanks for sharing!


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Wonderful view and good point on the Armenian Island.

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The fathers in charge of the island are few, but make you feel at home throughout the tour.



Recent photo of the Ossuary on the Island :D Enjoy!

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many people that this place is like a huge boneyard, used by ancient kings to waste all the bodies of the man who fell in battles, or when a strange pest strike the country.

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